Hennadiy Zubko: Ukraine should demand from Iran to hand her over debris of PS752 flight

Open source

“The Ukrainian government commission needs to demand from Iran to hand her over the debris of the aircraft after the first technical examination on site will be conducted. The debris of the aircraft and its restoration at the stand, following the example of our Dutch colleagues in the investigation of the missile attack and the disaster MH-17, will provide an opportunity for a final technical examination, but on Ukraine’s territory. It is absolutely possible to do this at the Antonov Scientific and Production Complex, and this is one of the possible tools to have arguments in hand in searching for the truth.”

He commented on the latest statements made by Canadian, the United States, and Great Britain leaders regarding the Iranian missile attack on the Ukrainian Boeing 737.

He emphasized that Ukraine should take into account its own experience in organizing of all the procedures regarding investigating of the crash of Malaysian Boeing МН-17 flight (shot down over the territory of Ukraine on July 17, 2014) during the investigation of the crash of the UIA PS752 flight in Iran.

He recalled four basic principles of a crash investigation: transparency and independence, competence, timelessness and international investigation conducted in line with ICAO standards.

“An analysis of the procedure and the results of the investigation of the MH-17 disaster will give an answer to many questions regarding the technical investigation procedure and the issues the commission have already faced with. We don’t forget about the second part of the investigation – the criminal one, in order to search for responsible, if versions of ground-to-air missile attack on UIA plane, or a terrorist act will be confirmed,” Zubko said.

He suggested to contact specialists from DutchSafetyBoard to assist in the investigation, taking into account their qualified work on investigation of the MH-17 flight crash.

In 2015, the Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing of Ukraine Hennadiy Zubko was appointed head of the Interdepartmental Commission for the coordination of issues related to the investigation of Malaysia Airlines Boeing-777-200 crash.

As The Journalist reported, Ukraine receives from United States data on UIA plane crash in Tehran.

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