Estonia bans flights from Ukraine

Open source

The Estonian government has banned flights between Tallinn and Ukrainian cities.

Hungarian low-budget company Wizz Air will stop flights between Tallinn and Kyiv at least until July 28, ERR reports.

According to him, the corresponding order was issued by the Ministry of Economics and Communications of Estonia due to the high incidence rate of coronavirus in Ukraine.

The ban applies to the resumed from June 17 flight Kyiv-Tallinn and routes Lviv-Tallinn and Kharkiv-Tallinn opened from July 4.

Eero Pärgmäe, Commercial Director of Tallinn Airport, has said that these flights were popular and were mainly used by Ukrainian labor migrants.

Wizz Air made last flight from Kyiv to Estonia on July 6, and one flight each from Lviv and Kharkiv on July 4.

Read also: Ukraine records more than 800 new coronavirus cases for second day in a row.

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