From now on Ukrainians can now check online single tax payment by enterprises

photo from open sources

The website for monitoring registration data of Ukrainian companies and the court registry to protect against raider seizures and control counterparties OpenDataBotВ has launched a service by which Ukrainians can check enterprises paying a flat tax, and monitor any changes in their status in the future.

OpenDataBot service reports about it on its website.

“Business owners should monitor their tax system; if a company loses the status of a single tax payer, the tax amount will increase dramatically”, a statement said.

As it is known, in Ukraine the single tax is paid by 174,297 companies (15%) and by 1.3 million physical persons (70%).

At the same time, the largest number of physical persons is in the second group of single tax payers – 581 thousand entrepreneurs (44.5%).

523 thousand entrepreneurs (40%) belong to the third tax payers of the third group, 200 thousand (15%) belong to the first.

The largest number of companies in the unified tax system deals with real estate transactions (14%).

This is followed by wholesale trade with an indicator of 7.8%, agriculture – 7.5%, and activities in the field of law and accounting services – 5.7%.

As The Journalist reported, Ukraine launches new LLC registration electronic service.

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