Gryvko and Kononenko are road cycling champions


Photo from open sources

In Bohuslav in Kyiv oblast National road cycling took place,informs

The completion was held in the format of individual race with separate start.
In men category Andrii Gryvko from Astana Pro Team won the championship with the 52:20.

He was 2 minutes 41 seconds in advance from silver medalist Mykhail Kononenko.
Third place won racer from Sharjah Team Aleksandr Golovash.
In women category first place Valeria Kononenko took with the result 32:51.
Silver medal Elena Sharga won with a lag of little more than 1 minute, on the third place cycling racer Olga Shekel from S.C. Michella Famini Rox.
Junior champions are Ruslan Koshvyi and Olga Kulinych.

Earlier «The Journalist» reported that Ukrainian racing cyclist went up to 243 place in world rating UCI.

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