Kickboxer Pavel Zhuravlev met with media (PHOTO, VIDEO)

Photo: Yaroslava Matvieienko

Temporary world champion GLORY and the world champion of 2016 according to FFC in kickboxing Pavel Zhuravlev is a rare guest in the capital. Not surprisingly, his meeting with press in Klitschko brothers’ achievements museum has created a great stir.

Pavel Zhuravlev, nicknamed “Cayman” – is not only a professional athlete, but also a former military man. Five years ago, Ukrainian Navy officer moved from the occupied Crimea to Odessa. Subsequently, Pavel resigned from the service and devoted himself entirely to the sport. After all, combining a military and an athlete careers at the same time is extremely difficult, if not impossible.

“Every person should have concepts like justice and fairness. Because of these beliefs, it is not so difficult to make a choice, at least to me. I was lucky: my family supported me. I have never regretted or never will regret my decision. Although, to be honest, the first days after I was discharged from the army, there were doubts if I left service in vain, as I have served for 13 years. But sport and advantage of freedom of movement won,” recalls athlete about his choice to stay in Ukraine and leave military service.

“I cannot say that I am engaged in boxing, although I participated in dozens of fights, most of which won. I did not divide boxing and kickboxing. Although in boxing hand technique has already become perfect, you just need to pick what suits you personally. Hand boxing in kickboxing is my schtick, I have my own special hits, they are more from boxing techniques and they are in priority. Despite this, I chose kickboxing, which I have been doing since childhood. This is my sport,” says Pavel, why did he choose kickboxing, but not boxing.

In a year premiere of American documentary film about martial arts with the participation of kickboxer is expected. He cannot disclose secrets, including the title, so he told about one interesting episode. It turns out that an athlete has been learning to play the piano for two years. For the movie he chose his favorite melody “River Flows in You” by South Korean composer Yiruma but this was prohibited by copyright rules. So I had to play Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata.

To the question of “Journalist” reporter about the possibility of training with ATO (JFO) veterans as sports rehabilitation, athlete said the following:

“I keep in touch with current military, combatants, and veterans. I never refuse to consult, but I haven’t done any training as such. I do not exclude such a possibility in the near future. For me now it is important to be useful to others. I have a lot of information that I can pass on.”

Pavel Zhuravlev admits that sport for him, above all, is a way of life. Now, despite a short pause due to injuries, he continues to work on himself, to improve his physical form. In September, he will decide on future dates for fights and rivals.

Text and photo: Yaroslava Matvieienko

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