Ukraine saves UAH 43 bn at ProZorro auction in 2020

Open source

Ukraine saved UAH 43.5 billion at the electronic auction ProZorro in 2020. This is 43% more than in 2019, according to the ProZorro press center.

At the same time, the expected value of all purchases increased by 19% (from UAH 698 billion to UAH 830 billion). Most of all on tenders were saved by the Ukrainian GTS Operator (UAH 5 billion), the Ministry of Health (UAH 1 billion) and Ukroboronprom (UAH 600 million).

ProZorro associates such indicators with the entry into force in April of the updated Law “On Public Procurement”.

Director of ProZorro Oleksiy Sobolev noted that ProZorro.Sales in 2020 brought UAH 11 billion to budgets of different levels.

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