Verkhovna Rada Committee recommends imposing fine on “button-pushers”

Open source

The Verkhovna Rada Committee has recommended to adopt a draft law in the second reading, proposing to introduce fines on MPs for the so-called “button pushing” during voting, the Chesno reported.

According to this project, journalists will be able to inform the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada about all recorded facts of “button-pushing” by Ukrainian MPs. The document proposes to punish violators with fines in the amount from 3,000 to 5,000 non-taxable minimums (UAH 51,000 – UAH 85,000).

VR adopted this bill in the first reading on October 29.

Recall, on December 4, the law enforcement committee postponed consideration of the law, which provides for criminal liability for “button- pushing”.

As The Journalist reported, Ukrainian MPs will be fined for the so-called “button-pushing” during voting.

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