Королевский пингвин замечен в Африке. Биологи озадачены

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Королевский пингвин был замечен неподалеку от Кейп-пойнт, южной оконечности Капского полуострова. Как подчеркивает журнал Getaway, это первый случай за всю историю наблюдений.

По информации ученых, такой вид пингвинов водится только в Антарктиде, на Огненной Земле, Южных Сандвичевых островах, также на мелких островах, которые находятся в антарктической зоне, таких как Принс-Эдуард, Кергелен, Крозе, Маккуори, Херд.

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The king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) is the second largest species of penguin. They are mostly found around the Sub-Antarctic, so this dude is far from home! They weigh up to 17 kg and can reach a height of 100 cm! These cool little dudes feed on small fish, squid or crustaceans and have been know to dive up to 300 m deep when hunting! Once a young penguin leaves the colony, they are unlikely to return for at least three years when it is ready to mate. Mating season for these birds is usually between September and November when they return to the beaches from their hunting grounds. They normally spend about 3 weeks on the beach with their mate and then they head back out to the hunting grounds. It's during this mating period that moulting also takes place. The pair (in this case, one lonesome little dude) would then stay on the beach with their egg, taking turns carrying it on their feet, keeping it warm and eventually care for the chick in a similar manner. Currently their population is estimated at about 4 million and these cool little tuxedoed guys can live up to 30 years old in the wild. This guy seemed quite warm but didn't look too stressed out, and the rangers had everything and everyone under control. Let's hope he or she, because these guys are sexually monomorphic, gets back to the rest of the colony safely. 🐧 PS. Today is the day I start saving for a DSLR, my videos/photos have not done this penguin justice. Keen to see your footage @jasonboswell 🤙🏼

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Как сообщило Управление национальных парков Южной Африки на своей странице в Facebook, появление королевских пингвинов в Африке вызвало большой интерес биологов. По приблизительным подсчетам, для того чтобы добраться до южной оконечности Капского полуострова от ближайшего ареала, животному пришлось преодолеть не менее двух тысяч километров.

Как сообщал «Журналист» ранее, на станцию к украинским полярникам зашел в гости императорский пингвин.

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