В Австралии выпал огромный град (ВИДЕО)

Фото из окрытых источников

Как сообщает Stormnews, на востоке австралийского штата Квинсленд выпал огромный град.  Диаметр градин достигал 8-10 см. В результате повреждены дома и машины.

От стихии пострадали города Рокгемптон, Йеппун и другие населенные пункты региона.

Местные жители распространяют фото и видео явления в соцсетях:

Giant hail has been observed at Bungundarra

Video of the day!Giant hail has been observed at Bungundarra, North West of Yeppoon, as a dangerous supercell impacted the region this afternoon. Hail as big as 8-10cm was observed from this cell causing damage along its entire track including Rockhampton and Yeppoon, as well as in Bungundarra itself.We received many videos today, however most were filmed vertically. When this happens it makes it very difficult to protect your valuable content and distribute it to media for commercial licensing.If you capture extraordinary video, please always film in landscape format and send it via private message, rather than post to page or in comments. Media actively watch this page to source your valuable and unprotected content.Video sent into HSC by Ruth & JosieMedia licensing available via Severe Weather Australia

Gepostet von Higgins Storm Chasing am Sonntag, 19. April 2020

Ранее «Журналист» сообщал о том, что на пляже Пхукета вернулись редкие черепахи.

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