Orthodox celebrate Memorial Day of St. Vasyl


Photo: from open sources
Today, January 14, Ukraine has a triple holiday. Eastern rite Christians celebrate Vasyl (Basil the Great), Circumcision of the Lord and the first day of the new year according to the old style, reports UNIAN.

The tradition to celebrate the Old New Year comes from the divergence of the Julian calendar (or otherwise, the “old style” calendar) and the Gregorian calendar – the one on which practically the whole world now lives. The discrepancy of calendars is 13 days. The tradition to celebrate this holiday is especially common among the countries of the post-Soviet space.
In addition, this day is celebrated in memory of St. Basil the Great. Part of the relics of St. Basil and still resides in the Pochaevska Lavra. The honest head of St. Basil is kept in the Laura of St. Athanasius on Mount Athos, and his right hand is kept in the altar of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem. The great Basil remains one of the most revered and beloved saints of Greece. Being an example of a good shepherd who cares for the poor, the sick and the orphans, sensitive to other people’s troubles and protects his community, he became the prototype of the Greek Father Frost. It is from St. Basil that children in Greece receive gifts in the New Year. On this day, it was customary to hire people, so from that day the report of the financial year was kept. Basil the Great was also considered the patron saint of agriculture, and that is why on this day the main ceremony was sowing dwellings with grain.

Earlier, the “Journalist” reported that the 3rd All-Ukrainian Vertep Festival is taking place in Kharkiv.

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