Famous Ukrainians supported the action against cancer


Photo by: kvitna.org

Ukraine launched a large-scale project to combat breast cancer called «Take Mom, go with your wife, tell your sister» with the participation of authoritative men of Ukraine, calling to take care of the health of their close women and provide them with a visit to a mammologist. About this informs publication of Kvitna portal.

«This is a test that must be done once a year and that can save lives. This is a look at a serious problem on the other side. Just one visit to a mammologist per year can save a woman from breast cancer», the report says.

Initiators of project call creating of favorable conditions for formation in Ukraine of a culture of prevention of breast cancer and liability for their health.
It is reported that the first hero of the project was an expert on system development of personality, honorary professor of business school «Synergy» Yitzhak Pintosevich.

«I want to appeal to all men, fathers, brothers. If you have women who are dear to your heart, be sure to insist that once a year they are examined by a mammologist doctor. Women are afraid to do this, postpone for later. Tell them, go together, organize them this check. This is very, very important. We, the men, are responsible for women we love», Yitzhak Pintosevich called.

As previously reported by The Journalist, Serena Williams starred topless in social advertising.

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