Dozens Ukrainians won the right to study in leading universities in Europe


Open source

The competition 2018 is finished and scholarship holders of joint master’s programs Erasmus Mundus are determined within the framework of the program of the European Union Erasmus +. 41 scholarship holders from Ukraine (33 of whom are girls) from different cities of Ukraine: Kyiv, Lviv, Vinnitsia, Kharkiv and Odessa will study together with 1,640 other scholarship students from all over the world. Another 128 students from Ukraine are on the reserve list of candidates for a scholarship in the event that there is an opportunity for additional funding.

In general, 402 applications were submitted from Ukraine, in total 24,085 participants from 180 countries participated in the contest. From other countries of the Eastern Partnership (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia and Moldova), 806 applications were submitted, 50 of which were successful.

Ukrainian students of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees will study at prestigious universities in the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Greece, Portugal, Estonia and Germany. According to the rules of the Erasmus + program, the masters will study in universities at least two different countries in Europe; except for the disciplines of the specialties they have chosen, the scholarship holders will study languages and culture of the host countries.

This year, next disciplines were most demanded among Ukrainian students: european politics and society, innovation and e-governance in the public sector, global markets, nanotechnology and European literary culture.

Since 2014, 200 scholarship holders from Ukraine are already studying under the programs of step-by-step mobility: 187 undergraduates and 13 graduate students. They became «soft diplomats» in Europe, which popularize and support Ukraine and later return for its development.
INFO: Erasmus + is the new program of the European Union for the period from 2014 to 2020, aimed to support projects, cooperation, academic mobility in the field of education, training, sports and youth policy.

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