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Almost € 3 million were allocated on researching of the ecology of the region. This is informed by «».
The report notes that researching of the Black Sea was carried out by Environmental Monitoring of the Black Sea (EMBLAS) and lasted about two years. The European Union has covered financial expenses of the research.
The obtained research results confirmed the worst fears of ecologists. As it became known, the Black Sea has many problems, but the biggest of them is the amount of garbage which is suffocate the sea.
«Nature has created a rich and diverse underwater world of the Black Sea: countless species of fish, dolphins, crabs. And all this life exists only in a layer 150 meters thick. Deeper – there is no oxygen», – the message said.
Italy and Greece research laboratories took some samples to determine the antibiotic content of water and conducted a metogenomic analysis. Scientists have found about one and a half hundred pollutants in the sea: among them water-repellent substances from clothes, tsitramon, pesticides, plastic and micro plastic. The last one represents the greatest threat to humanity.
«It turns out that the Black Sea is one of the most polluted region on our planet. We found a dead dolphin on the Ukrainian coast, whose remains were polluted with the mercury. It was scary», – said the Team Leader, EU/UNDP project Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea (EMBLAS), Dr Yaroslav Slobodnik.
Now international researchers will work on options for improving the Black Sea.
As «The Journalist» reported, US researchers came to the conclusion that major coastal cities around the world will be flooded due to the rise in sea level by more than half a meter by the end of the century.
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