Analytics unveil what professions will be affected the most by pandemic in 2021

Open source

Analysts at Glassdoor, one of the world’s largest job search and recruiting sites, have published a list of 20 jobs for which demand has declined the most during the pandemic. Therefore, in 2021 they will be at risk, Fast Company reports.

The researchers considered only popular occupations, that is, those for which at least 5k vacancies were published per year.

Based on this, the authors of the study compiled a list of 20 professions, the demand for which decreased the most during the pandemic and which will be at risk in 2021. The ranking includes positions, the number of vacancies of which has decreased the most over the year.

Thus, the following vacancies were included in the list: audiologist, event coordinator, optician, cook, assistant manager, beauty consultant, hotel worker, stylist, trainer, physiotherapist, personnel specialist, receptionist, sales manager and accountant.

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