Agrarians of Ukraine held rallies against land reform on main Ukrainian highways (PHOTO, VIDEO)

Photo by All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council

Agrarians of 13 oblasts of Ukraine hold rallies against introducing a land market in Ukraine on the main Ukrainian highways. This was reported by the press service of the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council on Facebook.

“As a sign of disagreement with the cynical actions of the authorities on land reform issue, agrarians came out with their equipment to the country’s main highways at 17 points,” the statement said.

Mass protests are taking place on the highways of Vinnytsia, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Ternopil, Kirovohrad, Mykolaiv, Khmelnytskiy, Zhytomyr, Odesa, Poltava, Volyn, Rivne and Lviv oblasts.

Акція протесту #НіРозпродажуУкраїни

Акція протесту #НіРозпродажуУкраїни розпочалась!На знак незгоди із цинічними діями влади у питанні земельної реформи аграрії вийшли зі своєю технікою до головних автомагістралей країни у 17 точках.До акції протесту приєднались сільгоспвиробники у 13 регіонах — Вінницькій, Черкаській, Чернігівській, Тернопільській, Кіровоградській, Миколаївській, Хмельницькій, Житомирській, Одеській, Полтавській, Волинській, Рівненській, Львівській.

Gepostet von Всеукраїнська Аграрна Рада am Montag, 11. November 2019

The Agrarian Council also informs about locations of protest actions.

Акція протесту "Ні розпродажу України!". Житомирська область

Житомирська область у бойовій готовності!Аграрії регіону кажуть #НіРозпродажуУкраїни !c. Осикове Бердичівсткого району

Gepostet von Всеукраїнська Аграрна Рада am Sonntag, 10. November 2019

Cherkasy Oblast: M05 highway, near Zhashkiv (turn to the village of Tikhiy Khutir), E95 highway, a police post near the city of Uman.

Chernihiv Oblast: M01 highway, village Kopoty, Kozeletsky district.

Ternopil Oblast: M19 highway, Goryshnyovignansk village council, Chortkivskiy district (near the old oil depot).

Kirovohrad Oblast: M12 highway, 10 km far from Novoarkhangelsk.

Mykolaiv area: M14 Highway (Kyiv – Kherson). Mykolaiv ring road (at the turn to the old road to the town of Snihirivka).

Khmelnitska Oblast: E50 highway, near Prybuzhzke settlement.

Vinnytsia Oblast: a road near Makhnovka village (at the crossroads), Kazatynsky district, P36 highway, Shpykiv village, Tulchinsky district; highway near Pysarivka, Vinnytsia district.

Zhytomyr Oblast: M21 highway, Osynove settlement, Berdychiv district.

Odesa Oblast: M05, E 95, highways near Demydiv settlement.

Poltava Oblast: M03 highway, Marianivka settlement, Velykobachahansky district; M03 highway near Chutove settlement.

Volyn Oblast: M19 highway, T0311, Verbka settlment, Volodymyr-Volyn district.

Rivne Oblast: Diadkovychi settlement, M06, T1806 roads.

Lviv Oblast: N17 highway, near Mali Podleski, Zhovkovsky district.

Protesters urged to be sympathetic to the inconvenience of traveling on roads and take into account information about rallies when planning trips.

As The Journalist reported, Ukraine’s land market to be opened in Oct 2020.

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