Ancient Romans spread of tuberculosis according to American scientists


Photo: from open sources

Researchers carried out further investigations and found those who spread tuberculosis. About this informs Science Alert.

The report says that scientists from the University of Wisconsin in Madison have identified causers of tuberculosis spread in the world.
It is noted that the disease began to spread widely and be carried around the planet thanks to the use of public barracks and bathhouses during the time of the rise of Ancient Rome.

It is specified that the main vectors of the disease were merchants and soldiers. They were the power of the empire that expanded its borders in Asia and Africa, where they exchanged microbes with local residents.

«However, one of the most ancient strains of tuberculosis is the bacteria that appeared in the northeast of China about 6,600 years ago. Due to the lack of treatment, the bacteria evolved and today every fourth person on the planet is struck by this illness», report said.

Earlier Journalist reported that German archaeologists from Max Planck Institute for Human History found, that Mongols tore horses teeth already about 3000 years ago.

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