An exhibition dedicated to Amina Okuyeva was opened in Poland

Photo: Amina Okueva Facebook

On March 13 in Polish Sejm an exhibition “Amina LIFE”, dedicated to Amina Okuyeva, was opened.

This is reported by Polish Radio.

“On the anniversary of Russian aggression in Ukraine, we are opening an exhibition devoted to one of the heroines of the struggle for freedom and independence of Ukraine. We are proud to show this exhibition and talk about a symbolic figure for Ukraine, as well as that this unusual woman had family ties with Poland,” said Ryszard Terlecki, vice-Marshal of Sejm, opening the exhibition.

Let us remind, Amina Okueva is a Ukrainian doctor, a public activist and a serviceman. She is participant of Revolution of Dignity events and war in the east of Ukraine in battalion “Kyiv-2”. Amina also had Polish roots.

Amina Okueva died on October 30, 2017, near the village of Glevakha in Kyiv oblast as a result of injuries. During a sabotage attack, a car that contained Osmayev and Okueva was fired on a railroad crossing. Adam Osmayev was injured, but survived.

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