Ex-member of Regions Party Inna Bohoslovska to run for presidency


Open source
This was reported by Bogoslovska in her video message on Facebook.
Inna Bogoslovskaya has announced her plans to run for Ukraine’s presidency.

«I have firmly decided not only to run for Ukraine’s presidency, but to win these elections,» – the politician said.

The message says, that Bogoslovska is going to run for one-term presidency, and and sets itself two tasks: «to bring order to the country, and to give opportunity to come to power for young people, since they themselves cannot do this.»
Recall that Inna Bogoslovskaya was a people’s deputy from the Party of Regions in the Verkhovna Rada of the VI and VII convocation. She withdrew from the Party of Regions and, as candidate from the party «Veche», participated in the presidential elections in 2010, gaining 0.41% of the vote.
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