Fines for illegal use of National Police symbols come into force in Ukraine

Open source

Fines for unreasonable use of the name and symbols of the National Police provided by the law No. 2584-VIII come into force, 112 Ukraine informs.

It is reported that a fine in the amount of UAH 17,000 – 35,000 is provided in case a person use signs of affiliation to the National Police without criminal violations or a sign “National Police” (derivative or in english) on a car.

In turn, if the title ”National Police” or signs affiliation to a department will be put on clothes, cars, buildings, letterheads by representatives of state authorities, local authorities, legal entities, individuals, the penalty will be from UAH 35,000 – 51,000.

It is noted that in case of a repeated violation within a year, a penalty for individuals makes UAH 51,000 -68,000; fines for individuals working as an entrepreneur and officials makes from 68,000 to 85,000 UAH.

As The Journalist reported, new law on utility services has entered into force in Ukraine.

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