Founder of family health clinic Valery Syrovatsky: We introduce innovations to improve life quality


On the eve of the Medical Worker Day, the Journalist correspondent met with the famous Ukrainian philanthropist, human rights activist and businessman Valery Syrovatsky. The founder of the “Valeria” family health clinic regularly updates the equipment in the medical institution, and, besides, is not afraid of introducing the most cutting-edge technologies for wide-range medical treatment.

Valery Ivanovych, now Ukraine is experiencing a challenging period, and the economic situation is constantly changing. How do you manage to permanently update the technical base of your clinic under the given conditions?

– Initially, when the idea to establish a clinic started to be implemented, I was already aware of the fact that operation of any medical institution is a process of non-stop development. We live at the time of everyday discoveries the world market, changing the concept of prevention and treatment of different diseases. And, of course, I want access to new technologies to be got inside Ukraine, not just beyond it. Of course, the introduction of innovations is a costly and laborious process in all senses, but it results in high output.

You regularly update the emergency ambulance fleet. Why have you chosen this direction as a priority?

– In Kyiv we deal with a very difficult situation on the roads on a daily basis. In its turn, emergency medical care means being prompt and timely. We decided to provide such technical support to our doctors to be able to provide all necessary emergency services inside the ambulance.

Many doctors at your clinic use their own treatment methods. How do you manage to attract eminent specialists?

– I think there are two components that matter: first, we respect and appreciate our specialists; secondly, we are constantly in progress, cooperating with the national and foreign scientific community, providing help to our doctors in expanding their potential and obtaining new knowledge. Moreover, one of our basic principles is creation of the safe and harmonious environment for our patients. Our team is positive that there is always a solution, even in the most difficult situations – it is just important to pay close attention and show understanding in time.

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