In Sofia Kievska you can see unusual icons

photo Open Orthodox University of St. Sophia-Wisdom.

An exhibition of icons PASSIONES (The Passion Cycle) has opened at the Sofia Kievskaya National Reserve. Icons written on the boxes from under the cartridges, which were brought from the front, mark the memory of those killed during the Russian-Ukrainian war. The organizers dedicated the exhibition to the fifth anniversary of the start of the ATO in the Donbas.

It is reported by the Open Orthodox University of St. Sophia-Wisdom.

The authors of the icon are icon painters Oleksandr Klymenko and Sofia Atlantova, who four years ago decided to support a volunteer project that helps save the lives of the wounded – military and civilian – in eastern Ukraine.

 “This cycle is dedicated to the Passion of the Lord, to all those who perished in this war. Also in this cycle there is a second context: the Mother of God icons. This is the second dedication – to mothers who gave their children … The main idea of ​​the project – turning death into life – has not changed. But in this cycle of work, certain new meanings were obtained – the context of passionate symbolism, the Resurrection of Christ. No matter what happens to Ukraine, what terrible situations it has happened to, you and I have not fallen in, we must remember: death will be conquered by life, it will be Easter and the Resurrection of Christ, ”says Oleksandr Klymenko.

As the Journalist reported “Volcano” movie premiere took place in Kyiv.

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