In the Dnipropetrovsk oblast “Lilac Ball” took place

Photo Dnipropetrovska OSA.

The Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Administration has recently arranged the “Lilac Ball” for veterans, volunteers and their relatives for the sixth time.

About this reports the Dnipropetrovsk OSA.

The event was held in the Peace Palace of Culture in the city of Pavlograd. There were 20 couples dancing.

“For three years, I only watched the points that the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Administration arranged. I also wanted to join them. It so happened that our countryman, badly wounded Oleksiy Odynok, now is fighting for his life in the hospital named after Mechnykov. Therefore, it is an honor for us to dance as a sign of his speedy recovery.

We never danced at all and do not know how. There were only 10 rehearsals. But the mood is fighting, stubborn. And in general, it seems, now dancing for me is for life”, – a couple of participants share their impressions – volunteers Elizaveta Lyashenko and Ihor Ivanychenko.

A photo exhibition was arranged in the hall of the Palace of Culture: portraits of ATO veterans, volunteers, their relatives, including participants in the ball.

 As the Journalist reported “Volcano” movie premiere took place in Kyiv.

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