To mayor of Kyiv, January 12, 906 coronavirus cases were recorded in the capital.
In total 119,392 confirmed cases of the disease were recorded in the city since pandemic started.
Over the past day, the following fell ill: 497 women aged 18 to 94; 375 men aged 18 to 87; 19 girls aged from 1 month to 14 years old and 15 boys aged from 1 month to 16 years old. In particular, 25 doctors fell ill.
Some 72 patients were hospitalized in the capital’s hospitals per day. Others are on self-isolation, under the supervision of doctors.
At least 848 people recovered in a day. In total, 44,828 residents of the capital have overcome the coronavirus.
Most cases of the disease were found in Darnytskiy district (160), Dniprovskiy district (260) and Desnianskiy district (127).
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