Ministry of Defense will reduce military posts


Photo from open sources

As part of the security sector reform Ministry of Defense will reduce the number of military posts. This was reported by the first deputy head of the Defense Ministry, Ivan Rusnak, noting that the department will leave a certain number of military posts, which are coordinated with the heads of departments and offices. The rest of the posts will be civilian.

«For every military whose position becomes civil, this is a matter of choice. All of you are professionals. Those who decided to remain in the military service will be able to continue their military career in the General Staff, other government bodies, and higher military educational institutions. At the same time, the posts that are transformed into civilian ones will be a priority for those who decided to quit their military service», ministry’s press service quotes Rusnak as saying.

We emphasize that the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, exercising the function of state civil control over the Armed Forces of Ukraine, strengthening ties with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and civil society, acquires the status of civil. Changes are directed, in particular, to the fulfillment of the main tasks of the military reform of the Strategic Defense Bulletin.

Earlier «Journalist» reported that the Ministry of Defense has identified five priority areas of work based on threats in Donbass.

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