Mylovanov: Average salary in Ukraine will increase to UAH 12,500 in 2020

Open source

The Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine Tymofiy Mylovanov has said that the average wage in the amount of UAH 12,497 is foreseen in macroeconomic forecast for 2020 by the Ministry of Economy.

“Statistics of the day. The macroeconomic forecast of the Ministry of Economy includes such average salaries for the following years: UAH 12,497 in 2020; UAH 14,187 in 2021 and UAH 16,047 in 2022,” Mylovanov wrote.

The minister also noted that the average salary in September 2019 was amounted to UAH 10,687.

As The Journalist reported, average nominal wage in Ukraine up to UAH 10,687 over the year.

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