Mylovanov named Ukraine’s oblasts with lowest salaries

Open source

The Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture Tymofiy Milovanov named oblasts with the lowest wages in Ukraine. He wrote about this on Facebook.

According to the Minister of Economy, the lowest salaries recorded in Chernivtsi Oblast – UAH 7, 885 per month; Kherson Oblast, where the lowest salary made UAH 8,020 per month; Ternopil Oblast with UAH 8,098 per month; Chernihiv Oblast – UAH 8,130 and  Kirovohrad Oblast – UAH 8,222.

Статистика дня. Найнижча середньомісячна заробітня плата по областям1. Чернівецька – 7 885 грн 2. Херсонська – 8 020 грн3. Тернопільська – 8 098 грн4. Чернігівська – 8 130 грн5. Кіровоградська – 8 222 грн

Gepostet von Тимофей Милованов am Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2019

As The Journalist reported, Average salary in Ukraine returned to summer 2019 level.

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