Things of famous movie characters will be auctioned


Photo: TMZ

At Prop Store auction Marty McFly’s hoverboard, Edward Scissorhand’s costume, Indiana Jones and Forrest Gump hats and Jumanji’s game will be on display.
About this informs TMZ.

Message says that at the auction, which will be held in the UK, will be exhibited about 600 subjects of film and TV-requisites.
For example, Han Solo’s jacket from the fifth part of Star Wars is supposed to be sold for $ 1.3 million.

It is noted that in 2016, Ford sold jacket of Millennium Falcon pilot for $191 thousand, and transferred the proceeds to the fund, which is engaged in the development of a cure for epilepsy (this disease affects his daughter).

Earlier Journalist reported that at the auction Rolls-Royce of Queen Elizabeth II will be sold.

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