National Ukrainian record is installed: «The most numerous family» of 346 people (PHOTO)


Photo: Unian

In the city of Dobroslav, Odessa oblast, national record «The Most Extended Family in Ukraine» has been established.

As it became known, the family-record holder consists of 346 people. Head of the largest Ukrainian family is, 87-year-old Pavlo Semenyuk, who worked all his life as builder in the town of Dobroslav and was married once.

On Sunday, July 8th, 252 family members gathered in Dobroslav, but 346 people in total is documented, writes Unian.


Semenyuk family consists of 13 children (now living 10), 127 grandchildren, 203 great-grandchildren and 3 great-great-grandsons. Some members of the family live in Moldova.
Semenyuk family can claim a world record, because at the moment the Guinness Book of Records has introduced an Indian family, which numbers 192 people.
As the «Journalist» reported the Ukrainian athlete again repeated her personal record.

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