NBU to introduce new regulatory requirements for banks

Photo/National Bank of Ukraine

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has announced the stages of implementation of updated regulatory requirements for banks for 2021-2024. It is planned to bringing the capital structure of banks in line with international standards in 2024. This was reported by the press center of the regulator.

The changes are based on international standards for regulating banking activities aimed to improve the financial stability of both each individual bank and the banking sector as a whole, and the ability to withstand crisis phenomena.

Several requirements are envisaged for the next four years. In particular, it is planned to introduce the net stable fundingratio (NSFR) in the Q1 of 2021. The NSFR is expected to encourage banks to rely on more stable and longer-term funding sources, such as long-term deposits, while reducing their dependence on short-term funding.

In addition, the timing of the activation of the capital conservation buffer and the buffer of systemic importance will be determined in the Q4 of 2020 – the Q1 of 2021.

From January 1, 2022, it is planned to introduce minimum requirements for the coverage of operational and market risks by capital.

It is planned to bring the capital structure of banks in line with international standards from 2024.

Also, will be introduced a three-tier capital structure, new requirements for the components of capital and the procedure for deducting from capital, as well as other additional “filters”.

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