Best XXI century comedies list is published


Photo: from open sources

The list represents 50 films that, according to experts, make up the best comedies of the 21st century. About this informs Rolling Stone.

It is reported that the rating is headed by the film «Best in Show», which tells about the dog show, where pet owners try to snatch victory at any cost.
In the second place is the film «In the Loop» and the third place is «Bridesmaids».
In addition, the top ten included the films «Step brothers», «Idiocracy», «Punch-Drunk Love», «Tony Erdmann», «Shaun of the Dead», «The 40 Year Old Virgin» and «State and Main».

It is noted that the list of the best includes such comedies as «Fantastic Mr. Fox», «American Psycho» and «Enough Said».

Earlier Journalist reported that the rating of the 50 best-selling musicians of all time was published.

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