Orthodox Christians celebrate Presentation of Jesus at the Temple


Photos from open sources
Today, February 15, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the twelve main in the Church calendar holiday – Presentation of Jesus at the Temple.
The history of this holiday is connected with Gospel event – when on the 40th day after the Nativity Infant Jesus was brought to the Jerusalem temple. The holiday symbolizes the meeting of God the son with the Lord God the father.
Celebrating the Presentation of the Lord began in early Christian times.
On this day, after the entire liturgy, all Orthodox churches sanctify water, and candles with water. Candles baptized on this day were called “thunder” because they were lit and set under icons during a thunderstorm in order to protect people from thunder and fire. Candles also consecrated on this day are lit during prayer, when trouble happens in the house or someone is ill.
According to folk tradition this day symbolizes meeting of winter and spring.
The clear and quiet weather on this day foreshadows a good harvest of the field and swarming of bees. Wind is a bad sign. Snow – is for rainy weather. Blizzard – spring will be late and cold.
As reported by "Journalist", Poroshenko made an entry in the manuscript Bible.

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