It is known what percentage of Ukrainians have bank accounts


The head of the National Bank of Ukraine, Yakov Smoliy, speaking at the forum on financial inclusion Finclusion UA, said that the level of accessibility of financial services for Ukrainians is still low. It is noted that only 63% of Ukrainian citizens have bank accounts, «UNIAN» reports.

The World Bank estimates that in 2011 41% of the adult population of Ukraine had at least one bank account. For six years, that is, in 2017, this figure has grown and is already 63%. But, according to the head of the National Bank, this indicator is insufficient, since 37% of the adult population do not have accounts in any financial institutions.
The way out of the situation that has developed, Smoliy sees in stimulating the development of new financial technologies, strengthening the protection of consumer rights and working to increase the financial literacy of the population.
«Financial inclusion is the way to the future growth of the economy by mobilizing the savings of the population, investing in the development of the Ukrainian economy, and diversifying the financial system», Smoliy said.
Earlier «The Journalist» reported that Smoliy voiced strategic directions for the development of the National Bank.

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