Study: Ukrainians spend 42% of income on food

Open source

The National Scientific Center Institute of Agricultural Economics, citing a study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Ukrainians spend 42% of income on food.

According to the study, in 2018 each Ukrainian paid an average of USD 858 for food products and soft drinks. In the overall structure of consumer spending, the share of food products was 42.2%.

The study confirm the provisions of Engel’s law, according to which, stating that, as income rises, the proportion of income spent on food falls―even if absolute expenditure on food rises. The more the country developed and rich, the smaller the share of expenditures the population allocates for food.

The ranking is leaded by the United States, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Switzerland, Australia and Austria, whose residents spend less than 10% of income on food.

In Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, Qatar, Belgium, South Korea this figure rise up to 15%.

The level of 16-25% shown by Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Israel, Uruguay, Kuwait, China, Turkey and other countries.

Moreover, Belarus, Georgia, Russia, Uzbekistan, as well as Jordan, India, Macedonia and Paraguay, hold figure within 30%.

Ukraine takes 93rd place in rating, ahead of Uganda, where the share of food expenses is 44.2%, Kazakhstan (44.9%), Angola (48.6%), Bangladesh (53.5%) and Nigeria (59.0%), which ranks last in the list.

Read also, Ukrainian labor migrants transfer about USD 12 bln to Ukraine in 2019.

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