The legendary singer Doris Day is dead

Photo Warner Bros

American singer, actress and animal protection activist Doris Mary Ann von Kappelhoff, better known as Doris Day, died at the age of 97, according to the Associated Press.

Doris Day was already a popular pop singer and jazz vocalist, when she was overtaken by acting talent. Day has played in more than three dozen films; most often her heroines were cheerful blondes, sweet-voiced and self-confident.

Of the songs performed by her, the most famous composition is Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be), first performed by Doris Day in Alfred Hitchcock’s film The Man Who Knew Too Much.

Doris Day was called “the main virgin of America,” against which she protested in her autobiography.

“I’m afraid to shock someone, but I’m strongly convinced that no one should get married without first living together,” the girl wrote.

Doris Day did not receive an Oscar, but in 2004, George Bush awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The actress has been married four times. In her first marriage in 1942, her only son, Terrence, who died in 2004, was born.

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