Testing cosmetics on animals plans to be banned by Ministry of Health


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Ministry of Health suggests banning cosmetics testing on animals. About it [reports](http://moz.gov.ua/article/news/v-ukraini-zaboronjat-viprobuvannja-kosmetiki-na-tvarinah-moz-ukraini-proponue-proekt-tehnichnogo-reglamentu-na-kosmetichnu- produkciju-dlja-gromadskogo-obgovorennja) press service of the Ministry.

New regulation on cosmetic products is developed, which contains a list of prohibited ingredients. It is also said that manufacturers will be able to use only safe dyes, preservatives, UV filters. These proposals are an important component of Ukraine’s European integration and the fulfillment of the terms of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union.
The new technical regulation should eliminate legal differences, as well as administrative and technical barriers to trade between Ukraine and the countries of the European Union.
One of the important aspects of the new regulation is the ban on testing cosmetics on animals and the ability of foreign and national companies to use the latest technological developments, in particular alternative methods for testing cosmetic products. Such rules have been valid for several years in the countries of the European Union.
The introduction of a new technical regulation will allow foreign companies that have already abandoned testing their products on animals to sell their products on the Ukrainian market based on research results using alternative methods.
In parallel with this, the ministry will introduce new testing requirements, providing a transitional period for national companies to introduce the latest toxicological research methods.

Previously, "Journalist" reported that exports of goods from Ukraine increased by 10%.

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