The festival of ice sculptures began in Sumy


Photo: from open sources

Festival of ice sculptures started in Sumy, which will last within the framework of the “City of Winter Entertainment” project of the public (participatory) budget for six days at the Theater Square, reports UNIAN.

The author of the project is Vadym Dubodelov. He said that 19 people from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipro, Sumy, as well as Finland participate in the festival. All of them are not professional ice sculptors. There is about 10 tons of ice in blocks of up to 70 kilograms each were delivered to the festival site. The festival participants began to create sculptures of ice, and the townspeople were able to attend an open workshop from Oleksandr Luzan. Everyone who wants can try their skills of working with ice blocks in the following days.

Previously, “Journalist” reported that Facebook will allocate money for the study of ethical problems with artificial by the intellect.

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