Ukraine’s aviation regulator reinstates YanAir license

Open source

Ukraine’s State Aviation Service Commission has reinstated YanAir Airlines’ license. This was announced by the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelian.

After certain actions have been taken in response to the criticism, the State Aviation Service Commission decided to reinstate YanAir Airlines’ certificate. At the same time, Omelian noted that the appropriate measures would be taken due to the airline’s flight delay on June 18.

“The airline is obliged to inform passengers about the flights transfer, its representative should be in touch with passengers, ready to compensate for time in case of the flight delay or cancellation,” said Omelian.

🇺🇦Після усунення критичних зауважень комісія Державіаслужби схвалила рішення поновити сертифікат авіакомпанії…

Gepostet von Volodymyr Omelyan am Dienstag, 18. Juni 2019

We recall, the State Aviation Service suspended YanAir Airlines’ license on the night of Friday, June 6 due to some criticism related to the safety standards.

As The Journalist reported, Ukraine suspend YanAir’s flight license over safety.

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