Old mosque was returned to Muslim community in Dnipro (VIDEO)


Photo: from open sources

Mosque was returned to the property of the Muslim community by the powers of Dnipro cirt. This is reported in the «TSN» story.

Report says that the mosque, which was built at the beginning of the twentieth century on money of Tatars and Turkish merchants, after ten years of negotiations, the local government, transferred it to the Muslim community.
It is known that during Soviet times there was a shop, a club of the NKVD, and later sports school.

Today 700 children study here. But the Crimean Tatar community bought a new building in the city center, where the training will continue. Regarding the location of the mosque, it will be reconstructed in accordance with its original form, and park will be created for rest of all the city residents.

Earlier Journalist reported that Taj Mahal walls lose their color.

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