The Ministry of Education promulgated the draft edition of the Ukrainian spelling


Open source

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has invited society to join the discussion of the draft version of the new Ukrainian spelling. The draft document was published on the website of the Ministry.

«The Ukrainian National Commission on Spelling, whose composition is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on June 17, 2015, No. 416, offers to the society a draft of a new version of the Ukrainian spelling, developed on the basis of the Ukrainian written tradition, taking into account the new language phenomena that are spreading in various areas of public, scientific and cultural life. The writing commission proceeded from the understanding that the Ukrainian spelling, like spelling and any other language, cannot be exhaustive; it codifies the main, most common or controversial spelling provisions,» – said in a message on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The Commission proposed to email comments and suggestions to the draft of the new version of the Ukrainian spelling by September 15, 2018. The e-mail address of the secretary of the Ukrainian National Spelling Commission: [email protected].
The authors of the new edition of the spelling noted, that they count on constructive suggestions from connoisseurs of the Ukrainian language.
As The Journalist reported earlier, the Ministry of Education and Science named TOP-10 specialties passing by scores in 2018.

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