In half the countries of the world, the total birth rate has fallen


Photos from open sources

The world’s largest epidemiological study, the Global Disease Burden, states that the birth rate decreased by almost half between 1950 and 2017.

In 1950, one woman in all her life gave birth to an average of 4.7 children, while today this ratio is 2.4. However, the coefficient falls unevenly throughout the world, writes naked-science.

For example, in the UK the birth rate is approximately equal to that observed in other Western European countries, and is kept at around 1.7. At the same time in Niger (West Africa), it reaches 7.1.

According to Professor Christopher Murray of the University of Washington, when this figure drops below 2.1, the population begins to decline.

«We have reached that border, when half the countries have a birth rate below the replacement level, if nothing is done, the population will begin to decline. Soon we will observe a situation where there will be more grandmothers and grandfathers than grandchildren», said the professor.
If the population of the planet begins to shrink, global problems will appear: a shortage of labor and an increase in immigration.

As reported by «Journalist» the population of Ukraine is rapidly declining due to labor migration.

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