The prosecutor, who fall under law on lustration, was reinstated in Ukraine.


Open source
The Appellate Administrative Court of Odesa reinstated the former prosecutor of Pechersky District (Kiev) and Primorsky district (Odessa), Alexander Kuzmenko. This is stated in the story released by «Nashi Groshi».
It is noted, that Mr Kuzmenko will not only be reinstated, but also be paid almost 300 thousand UAH of wages for «forced absenteeism». This is the first time (in Ukraine- ed.) when such a decision was made since the Law «on the purification of power», widely known as the Law on Lustration, was adopted.
The main advantage for the ex-prosecutor is the judicial decision to lift the ban to hold public office for 10 years, which is provided by the Law on lustration.
According to Kuzmenko, he is not going to return to the prosecutor’s office yet, but he does not exclude such possibility in the future.
As «The Journalist» earlier reported, the Kyiv court of Appeals reversed the decision to dismiss Rozhkova from the post of Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine.

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