Military returning from JFO bring home hundreds of thousands weapons


Photo: from open sources

Chief Military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatolii Matios, stated that on the return from Donbass every soldier illegally brings with him weapon.
About this informs «112. Украина».

It is reported that tens of tons of explosives, hundreds of mines, thousands of grenades, tens of thousands of rifles and pistols, and a billion cartridges that were illegally exported from the JFO have already been seized.

According to the chief military prosecutor Anatolii Matios, virtually every participant in the military operations in the Donbass brought weapons with him.
«Everyone who came from the war brought weapon with him. We took statistics and requested information from all law enforcement agencies about the number of weapons lost under different circumstances. Tens of thousands. This is not a hunting weapon. Tens of tons of explosives, hundreds of mines, thousands of grenades, tens of thousands of rifles and pistols, a billion cartridges in the state of unaccounted for, those that were seized», said Matios.

Earlier Journalist reported that Matios filed a lawsuit against the chief of the General Staff Muzhenko.

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