Ministry of Regional Development: energy consumption by Ukrainian public institutions is much higher than by European ones

photo from open sources

The Vice Prime Minister and the Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko said that due to the lack of thermal modernization of buildings, the average energy consumption of Ukrainian public institutions is several times higher than in the European countries.

“In Ukraine there are about 77 thousand institutions funded from the budgets of all levels. The average power consumption of a public institution is 210-300 kWh per square meter, which is a lot more than in the European countries”, the Ministry of Regional Development noted.

As an example, Zubko cited Poland, where public institutions consume on average of 120-160 kWh per square meter, that is twice less than in Ukraine, Germany – 50-100 kWh per square meter (4 times less), Sweden 30-60 kWh per square meter (8 times less).

The Vice Prime Minister highlighted the thermal modernization of buildings of public authorities as one of the important areas of energy efficiency reform in Ukraine.

“A large number of buildings of public authorities are non-energy-efficient, and a huge amount of energy carriers and taxpayers’ funds are spent on their maintenance,” the deputy prime minister stated.

As reported by The Journalist, the Cabinet found extra money to finance insulation of houses.

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