Ryaboshapka launched prosecution bodies reform

Open source

The Law “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Priority Measures for the Reform of Prosecution Authorities” came into force in Ukraine. It provide for the certification of prosecutors and investigators, the press service of the Prosecutor General reported.

Prosecutor General Ruslan Ryaboshapka noted that all prosecutors who pass certification will remain in the new prosecution bodies.

Certification should be completed by September 1, 2020.

The certification will consist of three stages. The personnel commission consisted of persons delegated by international organizations, will allow those prosecutors who successfully pass the preliminary stage to go to the next one.

The prosecutors of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine will be the first who will be certified. The second and third stages of certification will relate to prosecutors of regional and local prosecutors.

As The Journalist reported, Ukraine’s Parliament supports bill on reform of prosecution bodies.

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