Ukrainian President signs law on new military ranks in AFU

Photo/President's Office

President Volodymyr Zelensky signed the law that amends certain legislative acts of Ukraine (regarding the performance of military duty and military service), which imposes new military ranks in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).

The law concerns junior ranks in Ground Forces, and also introduces new military ranks according to NATO standards.

According to the law, current hierarchy in AFU, i.e. Private, Private First Class, Junior Sergeant, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Sergeant Major, Warrant Officer are changed to Recruit, Private, Private First Class, Junior Sergeant, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, First Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Staff Master Sergeant, Chief Master Sergeant.

Some Navy ranks change too. There will appear ranks of Staff Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Staff Master Sergeant and Chief Master Sergeant.

The law signed by the head of state provides for a change of the name “regiment” to “brigade”.

Now, according to the law, when addressing the Minister of Defense of Ukraine and his deputies, who are civilians, a soldier calls their position by adding the word “pan (pani)” (mister, missis) before the name of the post.

As The Journalist reported, Ukraine introduces new military ranks according to NATO standards.

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