Zelensky announces increase of minimum pension in Ukraine

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President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that the government has developed a strategy to raise minimum pensions. He announced this on the air of the program Right to Power panel show.

“Now the social mission of our team is important in conditions when there is no money but we need to increase the minimum pensions. At least for those people who have difficulties. And there are many such people. We really have a program which we have developed. I’m not sure if I can announce it now, but it will not only be an informational gift for everyone. We came up with a very interesting strategy for raising pensions for people according to age,” Zelensky said.

According to the president, pensioners will be divided into categories: starting with people who are over 80 years old – their pensions will grow from UAH 400 to UAH 1,100. For this, it is planned to allocate UAH 13 billion next year.

“We are ready to significantly increase minimum pensions, so that people can feel it. But right away we are not ready to raise pensions for everyone, because there are 12 million pensioners in Ukraine. Therefore, we divided them into the following categories: first, we will increase pensions from 400 to UAH 1,100 for pensioners aged 80+, then we will reduce this age to 75+, 70+ and beyond,” the president explained.

Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized that the “era of poverty” will end with his presidential cadence, and the adopted laws should contribute to this.

Зеленський розповів, кому першому підвищать пенсію.

Зеленський розповів, кому першому підвищать пенсію. «Ми придумали цікаву стратегію з підвищення пенсій. Анонсую: ми готові сильно підвищити. Але всім не можемо, бо в Україні 12 мільйонів пенсіонерів», – пояснив президент під час ток-шоу «Право на владу». На першому етапі планують підвищити пенсію від 400 до 1100 грн пенсіонерам у віці 80+. Для цього у 2020 році планують виділити 13 млрд грн. Далі підвищення має охопити пенсіонерів, старших за 75 років, а потім тим, кому 70+.

Gepostet von ПРАВО НА ВЛАДУ am Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2019

As The Journalist reported, OSCE could be delivering pensions to elderly in occupied Donbas.

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