Memorial bas-relief to Symon Petliura will be opened in Kyiv


Photos from open sources
Memorial bas-relief to the Ukrainian military Symon Petliura will be opened in Kyiv. About this reported on the website of Ukrainian Institute of National Memory.

January 21, 2019 in Kyiv on Symona Petliury 2/4 street, the grand opening of the bas-relief will take place. The annotation board will appear on a symbolic place – at the beginning of Symon Petliura Street, where in January 1918, battles between units of the UNR Army and Bolsheviks rebels continued.
“The opening of a memorable bas-relief to Symon Petliura on the street named after him is another important step towards the perpetuation of one of the prominent figures of the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921. But still it’s not enough. In celebration of the centenary of the revolution in the capital of Ukraine should be a monument to the chief ataman and Chairman of the UNR Directorate Symon Petliura. After all, his name (next to the names of Mazepa and Bandera) was one of the symbols of the struggle of Ukrainians for freedom,” said the Chairman of Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance Volodymyr Vyatrovych.

Previously, the "Journalist" reported that for all captured Ukrainian sailors arrest is extended.

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