Photo from open sources
Incidences of tick-borne borreliosis, which is also known as Lyme disease, has increased sharply in Uzhhorod, the press center of the Regional Health Center of the Zakarpattia Oblast reported.
In Uzhhorod over the past month, the number of bites of infected mites that cause Lyme disease has increased. Most often people who live near forests, villagers, mushroom pickers and berries gatherers, picnic lovers.
«If only nine cases of borreliosis were recorded in Uzhhorod during the whole of 2017, and six cases in the first six months of this year, then only in three weeks of July – 17», said entomologist Tatiana Brovdyi.
According to her, the first Uzhhorod is «attacked» by infectious mites, which carry a dangerous Lyme disease. The manifestation of Lyme disease is redness at the site of suction of the mite, headache, aches all over the body and lethargy. If you do not undergo treatment at an early stage, the disease can lead to the defeat of various organs.
The press center also added that in Ukraine about 20 thousand people turn to mites every year with bites of mites.
As reported by «Journalist» in Kyiv since March, there is an invasion of mites.
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