Naftogaz is suing Kyiv Teploenergo to recover debts for gas


Open source

NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine filed a counterclaim against the municipal enterprise Kyiv Teploenergo, demanding to recover debts for gas.

«On July 4, 2018, the first preparatory meeting was held. It was announced, that during the meeting Naftogaz had filed a counterclaim against Kyiv Teploenergo to recover debts for gas. Kyiv Teploenergo announced a petition to postpone the consideration of the case, which the court satisfied,» reported UNIAN.

It is noted that the next trial is scheduled on July 12, 2018. In addition, Naftogaz reported that the companies (in parallel to the court process), are making a negotiating to resolve the current situation.

«Negotiations are ongoing, and we hope for a constructive solution to the issue. We are obliged to adhere to clearly defined law grounds, on which we can conclude an agreement with a new enterprise for the gas supplying», – the statement said.

As «The Journalist» reported, the Supreme Court of Switzerland’s Canton of Zug has resumed arrest of Gazprom assets.

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