Photo from open sources
The Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Liliya Hrynevych said that a number of innovations for the entering campaign of 2018 were introduced to make it more objective and give more opportunities for future students.
Hrynevych said that one of the innovations is that the certificates of the EIT 2016, 2017 and 2018 will be credited, the press service of the department.
The minister noted that among the innovations is the unification of subjects of the EIT.
«Previously, for the applicants it was very difficult, because for one and the same specialty in one university you have exam in one subjects, and in the another – others», she said and at the same time recalled that in previous years institutions of higher education themselves chose which subjects to enroll in institution, then this year everything is standardized for each specific specialty.
In addition, the regional, rural and sectorial coefficients were changed based on the results of the 2017 entering campaign. Also, a minimum score of 150 is established for entry into the medical specialties «stomatology», «medicine», «pediatrics».
Hrynevych said that instead of creative competitions for some pedagogical specialties, journalism and individual design specialties, creative tests were introduced.
As the «Journalist» reported, the Ministry of Education is testing electronic cabinets through which applications can be submitted to institutions of higher education.
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